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How to set port in Next.js
How to set port in Next.js
Abhishek EH | Jun 25, 2024 | 1 Min Read
Tutorial on how to change the default port from 3000 to something else in Next.js
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How to add favicon to a Next.js site?
How to add favicon to a Next.js site?
Abhishek EH | Apr 16, 2023 | 2 Min Read
Tutorial on how to create a favicon and replace the default icon with the newly created one in Next.js
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How to use Local Storage in Next.js
How to use Local Storage in Next.js
Abhishek EH | Apr 4, 2023 | 4 Min Read
Tutorial on how to use local storage in Next.js. Store app state in local storage and retrieve it when user reloads the page. Also, learn how to write useLocalStorage hook.
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How to add Google Analytics to Next.js app
How to add Google Analytics to Next.js app
Abhishek EH | Mar 18, 2023 | 3 Min Read
Tutorial on how to create Google Analytics site and add it to your Next.js website.
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Next.js: Get query parameters
Next.js: Get query parameters
Abhishek EH | Mar 8, 2023 | 1 Min Read
Tutorial on different ways to read query parameters in Next.js. Explains about how to get query parameters in both server side and client side
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How to add type to useState while using TypeScript with React
How to add type to useState while using TypeScript with React
Abhishek EH | Jul 30, 2022 | 2 Min Read
Guide on how to define type for useState hook while using react with TypeScript. Describes types for boolean, number, string, array and object. We will also see the type of setState function.
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