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How to convert an array to string in JavaScript (with comma and without comma)

Jul 3, 2022Abhishek EH2 Min Read
How to convert an array to string in JavaScript (with comma and without comma)

In the previous article, we have seen how to convert an array to an object in JavaScript. In this article, we will see different methods of converting arrays into a string. We will explore approaches using a comma and without using a comma.

Using toString function

The first choice to convert an array into a comma-separated string is toString function offered by arrays.

1const array1 = ["Apple", "Banana", "Grapes", "Orange"]
2console.log(array1.toString()) // 👉️ Apple,Banana,Grapes,Orange

The major drawback of using toString function is that you cannot specify the separator you want. It is always a comma and you cannot even add a space after the comma.

Using join function

When you need to specify a separator, you can use join function.

1const array1 = ["Apple", "Banana", "Grapes", "Orange"]
2console.log(array1.join()) // 👉️ Apple,Banana,Grapes,Orange

As you can see above, if you do not specify the separator it works the same as toString function.

You can specify space as a separator as shown below:

1const array1 = ["Apple", "Banana", "Grapes", "Orange"]
3console.log(array1.join(" ")) // 👉️ Apple Banana Grapes Orange

You can specify other separators you like as well (say, pipe symbol):

1const array1 = ["Apple", "Banana", "Grapes", "Orange"]
3console.log(array1.join("|")) // 👉️ Apple|Banana|Grapes|Orange

By appending/prepending an empty string

If you like some hacky way to achieve it, you can do so by appending/prepending an empty string as shown below:

1const array1 = ["Apple", "Banana", "Grapes", "Orange"]
3console.log(array1 + "") // 👉️ Apple,Banana,Grapes,Orange
5console.log("".concat(array1)) // 👉️ Apple,Banana,Grapes,Orange

In most cases, join function should solve your problem. If you know any other methods, comment below.

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